
Ahnenblatt english meaning
Ahnenblatt english meaning

ahnenblatt english meaning

Louis Kessler flew in from Canada to present Reading Wrong GEDCOM Right, and did two blog posts on his Behold blog: #Gaenovium and #Famillement in Tweets and Gaenovium Final Thoughts. Timo Kracke discussed Gaenovium in his podcast: Der Genealoge: Podcast #25 Archion – Das Kirchenbuchportal, Rückblick zu Gaenovium & Famillement (German). (CompGen, Computer Genealogy Society of Germany) posted about Gaenovium in their 2014 October newsletter: Computergenealogie/2014/10: CompGen in Leiden/NL (German).

ahnenblatt english meaning

The German Verein für Computergenealogie e.V. The Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging (NGV, Dutch Genealogy Society) posted a news item on their website: Gaenovium: innovatie in genealogie (Dutch). Updated 24 & 25 October 2014 with a few additional links.ĭenie Kasan, the Dutch representative of MyHeritage, our main sponsor, accompanied MyHeritage Chief Architect Ran Peled to the conference and posted a write-up on the Dutch MyHeritage blog: Gaenovium – waar technologie en genealogy samenkomen (Dutch). The blogs referenced here are in Dutch, German and English. The Gaenovium 2014 conference has been covered on other blogs, and we’ve collected the links for your convenience.

Ahnenblatt english meaning